Let's Listen and Evolve together Weekly "Wide Open Spaces" Season 5: A Fresh New Experience with Ilise the Fiery Redhead! Welcome back dear readers. In this brand-new season, we have…

Getting in my friends car, she is tapping on the steering wheel to the beat of her favorite 70's music. I am always inspired by her, 70's is not my…

Learning new things in life as we grow, evolve and move forward, is always an uplifting feeling. I was recently asked if I knew what Hygge meant. I truly had…

October is a busy month and a lot of colors represents the month. Pink is prevalent this month for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month is very important to me…

LET THEM Recently, I had lunch with a very good friend that I had not seen in awhile. As you all probably have experienced, when you see someone after time…

"Old habits eat good intentions for lunch. Change your habits so you can change your outcomes." Quote by Darren Hardy on AZQuotes. I am on my Nest is Empty Journey…

Summer has always been my favorite Season of the year. I am sure it all started with the fact that I was born in the summer months. I can remember…

We all have open spaces within ourselves that are craving to be filled. Some spaces are bigger to fill because they are extremely empty and some spaces just need a…

PERFECT TO ME by Anne-Marie "Don't feel like putting make up on my cheeks Do what I wanna Love every single part of my body Top to bottom I'm not…

Childhood can be so carefree and adventurous. Remember when you were in Kindergarten and how exciting it was to try out new toys during free time. I remember the room…

Welcome to Season 3 of Wide Open Spaces with Ilise. I am starting this season off with my readers and listeners taking a Journey with me. Personally, I have had…

Protect Yourself from the Worlds Information Overload! I can hear the rumble in the clouds above giving off the feeling that a big storm is about to come. The anticipation…

The day has a slight chill in the air, so a long sleeve shirt, pants and maybe a cute hat to keep your head warm are needed. The leaves on…

DO YOU GLITCH? The modern world is full of technology all around us. The majority of people have smartphones, I pads or personal computers. Technology begins to glitch after longterm…

I realize that some of you might not recognize what FOMO means. Let me enlighten you a little, " Fear Of Missing Out." That's it, the fear of missing out…

I love watching my dog play in my backyard. It amazes me every time she decides to lay on the grass. In those moments I wish that she could talk…

Empty is a word that elicits a certain kind of feeling for each of us. Miriam-Websters definition for elicit is (to draw out something hidden, latent or reserved.) Miriam-Websters definition…

Shenanigans means: According to the Oxford Dictionary, "Silly or high-spirited behavior; mischief." The earliest the word was found printed anywhere was in the 1800's. I have been having a great…

Are you Inspirational or Aspirational? Merriem-Webster Definition for Inspire: to influence, move or guide, impel or motivate Merriem-Webser Defintion for Aspire: to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal…

There are signs all around you in life, it just depends on how you see them. My mother would always say she would see repeated numbers and that they meant…

Resuscitation, is when an individual either stops breathing or their heart stops and measures are taken to bring them back to stability through CardioPulmonary Resuscitation.(CPR) Resuscitation can also mean bringing…

Is it Law of Attraction? Is it Bad Karma? Is it your Bad Energy? My question is why do some people, groups or families always seem to have bad or…

The importance of Rebranding Yourself might not be a necessity in your world. When one thinks about Rebranding, the first things that come to mind are, changing the packaging on…

We are about to start the Holiday Season and all that entails. I bet I just got your head swimming with all kinds of thoughts about the upcoming Season. Gift…

"Make it so!" If you are a Star Trek fan or a Trekkie then you are familiar with this statement. A Trekkie is a fan of Star Trek. Captain Kirk…

Talk to yourself much? Most of us have that Inner Monologue with ourselves. You know that voice you hear inside your head of your own voice telling you how you…

Let's explore the benefits of nature on our bodies. It is such a beautiful day out as I am walking on the freshly cut grass. I walk for a little…

I am not going to lie but I am struggling. I am going through one of the hardest Transitions a parent can go through. I am going to become an…

We look to others for love but too truly feel and receive love you must learn to love yourself first. We all have heard this but do we actually practice…

Time to get happy! Endorphins are a release of hormones to the brain and the nervous system that give you that happy/energetic feeling. Sounds easy and perfect right? I wish…

Hearing the word "Glimmer" immediately makes me think about the sparkle you see in someone's eyes. The Glimmer of the holiday lights and the Glimmer that comes off a sequined…

We all live an Inner Bubble that lies within our thoughts. Our brains have so much going on at one time that it would take a detective to decipher the…

An anchor is something that holds an object or a person down. Therapeutically there are emotional, physical and thought anchors. These tools are there to be used in situations that…

Bridgerton is a Netflix series based on the book by Julia Quinn and Shonaland's scripted show. The time period of Bridgerton is the 1800s under the Reign of King…

Building blocks are objects we learn about at a very young age, like creating a pretend fort out of cardboard blocks. This sets a deep message from within that we…

Motivation is a very big word in our daily vocabularies, thought process' and how we spend the day. Motivation can be a very hard thing to conjure up on a…

This month is Suicide Awareness Month. There are many people who suffer with suicidal ideations. Suicide has increased during the Pandemic. It is so important for all of us to…

I have been through a lot in my life as I am sure many of you have as well. I truly believe that if you go through life absorbing the…

A common theme throughout my life is that I have a passion for traveling. Do you have any passions like this? Traveling has become one of my coping mechanisms. Sometimes…

I sit here on my covered patio watching the rain fall from the sky. This is a normal afternoon in South Florida. I become mesmerized by the rain and I…

Hi, These are the three questions that I would like you to ask yourself in becoming the best version of you. 1. Who do you want to be? 2. How do you want to…

I recently accompanied my husband to a weekend convention for his job. It was fascinating being exposed to a different work world and to be honest a lot of techies.…

This past weekend I was watching a very enlightening interview with James Cameron, the director. If you are saying who is James Cameron well he directed The Terminator, The Abyss,…

The clock strikes midnight everyone cheers, kisses and toasts to the New Year. Whoohoo it is such an exciting new beginning. But is it really? There is a lot of…

In the song "How I'm Feeling Now" by Lewis Capaldi this lyric sums it up," I'm always Trapped inside my Fucking Head. " Those moments where you are sitting on…

WAR IN UKRAINE, ISRAEL AND PALESTINE! War comes in all different shapes and sizes. I mean you could literally be at war with a friend or family member. Nobody, likes…

I am sitting here on my teal blue adirondack chair staring out at the lake. The irony is that the song coming through my earbuds is The Climb by Miley…

I am sitting here drinking my pumpkin spiced latte and thinking about journeys. It is so important to create an environment for yourself that creates productivity and creativity. Let me…

THE FIGHT WITH YOURSELF-Bully Within The term Journey can evoke excitement and anticipation; however, when referring to Finding Yourself, the Journey can be daunting. When presented with the idea of…

In my childhood I always loved looking back at my photo albums of my family vacations. I still have these pictures packed away and when I want to reminisce, I…

It isn't lost on me that I am about to write about how to convince you to take a vacation. I could sit here and shake my head and say,…

Covid-19 has changed the core of who I am! Hmmm, or maybe it has just uncovered the parts of myself that were always hiding just under the surface. The side…

New Year's Eve took an unexpected turn for me. It was completely amazing and enlightening all at the same time. I was fortunate to see the birth of a baby…

LOOK FOR THE BEUTY THAT YOU ARE......ILISE The brain is such an amazing machine. The thoughts, ideas, memories, pictures and knowledge is all kept in this marvelous filing system…

Close your eyes and envision the sights of the Holiday Season. Green, Red, Blue, Gold, Silver and lots of Sparkles. I know, I know this can be all very overwhelming.…

I was in my bed, sleeping soundly. When all of a sudden my friends were carrying me off into their car. I kept asking, "Where are we going" I started…

Reality Television is good for our Mental Health, let me tell you why. As humans we are always searching for a form of escapism. I love to take vacations and…

Right now you might be questioning the title of this weeks blog. I totally get it. When I was growing up we never were encouraged to volunteer. High School never…

This is a topic that I am very excited to talk about. There are so many different definitions for the work basic. I was actually amazed when I googled the…

Activation Therapy, what spark will it take to Love Yourself? The cool summer night breeze off of the ocean blows your hair around and into your face. As you slowly…

It is fair to say that it is very important to look forward into the future then backwards into the past. Yet, the two go hand and hand. To move…

TikTok formerly known as Musically, has created a huge following. I personally am very familiar with Musically aka TikTok because of my younger daughter. She was very active on Musically/TikTok…

Musicians have a power over our hearts and heads. Their persona and the way they impact their audience can be such a powerful form of Therapy. I was on my…

What does the end of the year mean to you? Happy New Year and Auld Lang Syne all wrapped up in a pretty package as the year comes to a…

Imagine you are sitting in a big movie theatre watching a movie you have been waiting so long to see. The lights dim and off you go as the plot…

In the months of November and December a lot of emotions, thoughts and feelings are brought to the surface. A common theme during the month of November is," What are…

March is International Women's Month and March 8th is International Women's Day. Wow, aren't we lucky to get our own month?????? I hope that you can hear the sarcasm in…

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It's the month of the Pink Ribbon and Breast Cancer Charities. On a larger scale it is the month that represents those who have…

If you have your own business or work for a company, you will often hear talk about Branding. Branding is what attracts customers to your products, image and advertising. It…

It dawned on me that if this is a blog and a podcast about mental health then I need to discuss going back to school. School will always have different…

Wide Open Spaces with Ilise Podcast, is about to launch it's Fifth Season and we are excited for the Launch. This really got me thinking, May is as well Mental…

I smell summer! I feel the excitement from the top of my head down to my toes. The smell of summer is in the air, the heat feels different and…

On April 12, 2022 I came down with Covid-19. This is my Journey through the physical and emotional ups and down of having this virus. I now realize that it…

All is Merry and Bright, so the songs say during the Holiday Season. Tinsel, garland, trees, menorahs, green and red, blue and white, gift giving and receiving, holiday cards and…

In your daily life do you ever have a great epiphany or interesting idea that floods your mind when you are driving, taking a walk, sitting in traffic, just before…

When you hear the word Wicked what thoughts come to mind. Some words that I can think of are evil, mean, unpleasant or something that is against your morals. This…

The day that we are all born, there is a freshness and newness to all of us. The moment that we take our first breath of life our story begins.…

Jewish families around the world just got done celebrating Yom Kippur, "The Jewish New Year." With this holiday comes Rituals. A Jewish person is required to fast for 24 hours…

There was a commercial back in the 70's and 80's for Kodak. The Kodak commercial depicted how taking photographs of life events represented the "Times of Our Lives." Kodak really…

Ireland my rescue dog! The best coping skill in my self inventory! It's the most wonderful time of the year! IS IT REALLY? We are all about to close…

How well do you know yourself? Are you ever shocked by how you handle certain situations? Do you wish you didn't let that individual make you feel a certain way?…

It is the year of the Taylor Swift Eras Tour. I hope my readers and followers were able to get tickets for her concert. Unfortunately, I was one of the…

It is that time for all Juniors in High School as the year comes to a close. The dreaded college Essay. The essay that all of the colleges they apply…

Dr. Kwan Stewart a Veterinarian, was the CNN Hero of the Year. Dr. Kwan won a $100,000 for being voted as CNN's Hero of the Year. Dr. Kwan lives in…

I would first like to thank all of you who helped me Celebrate my 100the Podcast Episode! It warms my heart to have so many of my listeners, readers and…

Do you feel tired, overwhelmed, exhausted and just spent? I know that is a silly question because we all feel like this daily, weekly or monthly. Life is complicated and…

A zombie apocalypse or scenes from the television series the Walking Dead. This is what comes to mind when the Pandemic of Covid-19 really took control of the world. I…

Sitting in my backyard this past week, feeling the sun on my face and my earbuds in, I heard a great song that made me think. The song was "Living…

When you read the title of this blog do you say to yourself, "No, not me"? Or maybe your first reaction was to scroll right past this title. I get…

I have so much to say and so little to say. This Country is so divided. We have to make a decision, do you share your beliefs or do you…

I recently started a social media campaign, "Everyone has a book in them." I truly believe that anybody can write a book. The Genres are endless and vast to write…

In my mind's eye, when I think of Monumental Challenges, I envision a very steep hill that I need to climb. I stand at the base of this hill and…

Melodies, lyrics, rhythm, beats and vibrations fill my head with magic. Music has always been my jam, my go to, my thing that takes me to another place in my…

It was a very chilly day, with the wind blowing strong and constant. I put my sneakers on for the hike I was about to take. This was no ordinary…

Living to be 100 I believe can be so inspiring. No, I am not 100 years old! I am half way there and I can only hope I can live…

Playing the game of Jenga can be so fun, especially when you play with a lot of friends. When it's your turn you slowly analyze all of the stacked pieces…

I believe we all have more time to think in todays world. Many of our leisure activities have been altered due to the Pandemic. My definition of Leisure is: Leisure…

Empty Nesters for those who are not aware are parents who's children have all moved out of the home for work, college, technical school and even marriage. Syndrome is a…

September is Suicide Prevention Month. These are the signs to look out for in yourself or others that you know are struggling. 1. Socially withdrawing from others, work, social situations…

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, This is personal for me! I have so many women in my life who have been diagnosed, survived and lost their battle to breast…


Mental Health Awareness Month puts a spotlight on the struggles that individuals have on a daily basis. A big part of the struggles are identifying ones emotions. You might be…

Today, this Blogger/Podcaster/Motivational Speaker wakes up very solemn. The Journey, my new stream of podcasts and blogs is about taking you with me and experiencing some of my life's difficulties.…

Happy October 31st to everyone. This date evokes candy, costumes, tricks and celebrations. Cool colors of brown and spooky colors like black and orange. The date also is the official…

Sleigh Bells ring, are you listening? In the lane snow is glistening, A beautiful sight, We're happy tonight, walking in a Winter Wonderland. (Amazon Music, lyrics by Michael Buble) Did…

In life we mark moments and experiences with Anniversary dates. I don't need to state the obvious about Anniversary Celebrations. When one thinks of an Anniversary they think of a…

I don't know about you but my head just spins from all of the interpersonal conflict I see and hear among friends, family, strangers and society. It's like everybody's tempers…

I believe we all have more time to think in todays world. Many of our leisure activities have been altered due to the Pandemic. My definition of Leisure is: Leisure…

Letting Go or Breaking Up is hard to do. We have all walked this difficult and trying path before. It might look very different for each of us, nevertheless still…

The word Karma comes from the Indian Sanskrit over 3,500 years ago. This word can be found throughout their texts. Karma is referred to as Cause and Effect or Do…

Episode 21 of my Podcast is The RBG Effect. "Equal Justice Under Law", is what is written outside of The United States Supreme Court Building. The passing of RBG has…

Vampires will play with your mind and your heart. They will suck you dry. I've made some real big mistakes But you make the worst one look fine I should've…