Wide Open Spaces with Ilise
Life can be a complete mystery to most of us. It is like a rolling wave that you never know how hard it is going to hit you. Will you be knocked off your feet or will you be able to handle the pressure and stand tall? The idea is that we never know when that wave is rolling in to disrupt our individual lives. That wave can hit us like a Tsunami. Every time you get your head above the water something else takes over your world. This is the best way that I can describe the Journey that I am on and so many others like me. There are periods in our lives where we constantly are having one monumental disaster, trauma and dysfunction after the other. These type of situations never give you a reprieve because just as you are finally getting through one complicated situation another one arises.
When I was much younger I would get so bent out of shape if things didn’t go as I planned. Maybe, this is where you are in your life right now. The stress that ensued after unplanned events was completely overwhelming. With age I realized how unrealistic this thought process was. Especially, after I had kids, experienced a divorce and the loss of loved ones. I started to accept and really process how a lot of circumstances are out of our hands.(Like a Tsunami) I slowly learned to adapt to my new way of thinking. The take one day at a time way of thinking. Of course this is a great coping skill but what happens when events or stressors begin to pile up one on top of the other?
This is where I am right at this moment in my life. Are you in this same head space? Sometimes I just look up at the sky and ask “Why? cut me some slack here.” I have to make a choice deep within myself. How do I begin to cope with this thing called Life? In my podcast last week Episode 73 The Journey: Everyone has a Story I discussed how we need to work on retraining our brain. Understandably, this takes time and a lot of work internally to be able to cope productively and in a healthy manner. Let’s start to retrain our brains together. Begin with small steps that you know you will be able to accomplish. In Episode 73 I discussed looking for one positive thing in each day. As you begin to look and identify positive things it will become a habit. You are retraining your brain. The brain is a muscle and with repetition we gain muscle memory. The muscle memory becomes a coping skill for you as an individual. So if you haven’t tried this yet begin to retrain your brain to look for the positives
Self-advocating is another way you can retrain your brain to seek help from others who are going through similar life experiences. We all know by now how detrimental too much Social Media can be. On the flip side there are positives if you utilize it for your benefit. I have started to use social media in a different light. I find support groups, instagrams with positive quotes and self-help. Instagram is not a substitute for therapy, but it can be a supplement to acquiring new coping skills. Look for Insta accounts that focus on travel, pets, arts, favorite authors, book clubs, follow your favorite television shows, photography and maybe even The Law of Attraction. Social Media can be such an asset to add to your own personal experiences if you just chose wisely. If it’s a tough day for you, go to that Insta account where they video nature at it’s finest. Take it all in and get lost in the moment. It sounds basic and it is if you actually utilize it to your benefit. With time you will begin too retrain your brain to utilize social media daily in a positive way. It works for me especially when I go to an Insta account that shows cute puppies. Puts that smile right on my face and makes that Tsunami in my life a little easier to conquer.
Ready, set and go find that Instagram account that you can apply to creating a healthier and more stress free lifestyle.
Wide Open Spaces with Ilise has now been launched on IHeart Radio! So excited! Pop in your earbuds and take a listen and go on a Journey with me, Ilise.