The brain is such an amazing machine. The thoughts, ideas, memories, pictures and knowledge is all kept in this marvelous filing system inside all of us. Memories can fade but they are all stored for us, if and when we decide to look them up in this filing system. The suppressed memories and tragic times are also filed away, even though they may not be in the forefront of our consciousness. Though these thoughts, feelings or moments are not a part of your daily life, they may be a part of your internal make up.
I recently have been able to dive into a tough time in my life. A time that I was made to feel bad about myself and just who I was. I am sure a lot of you can relate to this especially when it has to do with a break up of a relationship. I have been beyond over this relationship and this person; however, I recently have realized that the comments and negativity directed towards me, has affected the perceptions I have about myself. I realize that I am not that person that they tried to make me feel that I was. I now realize they needed to make me the bad guy to make it ok for their own behaviors. That doesn’t mean that those ideas that were placed in my filing system in my brain aren’t still there.
These are the demons that we all have in one way or the other. It took me all these years later when I am in such a beautiful part of my life to realize how their words have shaped my insecurities about myself. I don’t blame them for my insecurities because ultimately I allowed myself to absorb their words that have become part of my make up.
Enlightenment, can be such a powerful tool and a way for you to change the internal dialogue you have consciously or subconsciously have in your mind. My journey has showed me how I have combated the verbal abuse and how I have grown in so many ways. I am not naive in the fact that those thoughts may creep back in at times. I know that I am powerful and I can put that negativity right where it belongs, in the trash!
If you feel you are relating to what I am saying then it is time for you to change that internal dialogue inside your brain. It is time to know that you are Perfect and that nobody can have power over the way you feel about yourself, only you can give them that power. I am aware that this is not easy and that it takes a lot of energy and power to change your thought process. What I do want you to know is that it can be done. Having a therapist is a productive way to help you change the dialogue in your head; however, a therapist is not always available in those moments of weakness.
I love using the lyrics to songs to utilize with my clients and yes for myself. Lyrics, help me to process my weakness’s and to focus on my strengths. I have lead many therapy groups and the ones where I presented music and the lyrics to songs always were some of the most productive and therapeutic experiences for my clients. Music and words touch us deep inside of those places that we need to work on. Personally, I can use the lyrics from the the song “Lost Cause,” by Pink to identify how those hurtful words from years ago carry on inside of me. Processing this leads to the understanding and power to change that internal negative dialogue.
I want you to start right now by identifying the lyrics to a song that takes you to those yucky places that bring you down. Today in the here and now you are going to look for the lyrics to a song that makes you feel good and let’s you tell yourself that your are perfect. You are not the words that some hurtful person has made you believe about yourself. I love the lyrics to the song “Freakin Perfect,” by Pink. The lyrics to this song pick me up no matter what situation is going on in my life. When i hear that negativity in my brain, I let my fingers do the walking and I pull up the lyrics to this song. Here are some of the lyrics to give yo a good understanding of how I know I am Perfect for me.
Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel
Like your less then F—ckin perfect
Pretty, Pretty please, if you ever feel like your nothing
Your F—-ckin perfect to me PINK
I want you to come to the understanding that the power is all yours and that you can change your inner dialogue as you move forward in your life. You don’t have to let that persons hurtful words dictate who you are and how you live your life as you move on. I think this is why I love lyrics so much. The lyrics speak to me and give me the strength and encouragement to know who I am and what i am made up of. I am Freakin Perfect and I will never allow another individual to make me feel any different. I want you to find the dialogue and musical lyrics that instill this message in you. The journey for you might just be getting started or you have been fighting these demons for years. Ignite the power within yourself and take control of your future and fate.
I believe that you have the power to do it and to take the drivers seat in your life. If you do the work, you might even realize that your are “Freakin Perfect!” Believing you are perfect for you is the first step in having healthy relationships and being able to stand tall in who you are. Believing that you are perfect does not give you the power to hurt others or give you permission not to acknowledge when you are wrong. Being perfect also means that you can accept responsibility for your mistakes and shortcomings. Growth takes work and a lot of energy but how else are you going to become perfect if you don’t put the work in??????