I recently started a social media campaign, “Everyone has a book in them.” I truly believe that anybody can write a book. The Genres are endless and vast to write about. I know at this moment you might be saying to yourself,”me a writer, hell no.” On the other hand you might being saying to yourself internally, “Yah, she is right, I have always wanted to write a book.” If you are saying that you don’t have a book in you, I believe it’s because you don’t have the desire to write. This is totally fine and it doesn’t mean you aren’t creative. The desire and passion must be there. If the roadblock is that you don’t have the confidence in you, then let’s sit down and have a talk together.
I believe there is a misnomer about who can write a book. The reality is, you don’t have to have gone through trauma, heartbreak, grief etc. to be an author. There is a space and time in each day that we all have random thoughts. Many times this can happen when you are driving a car, taking a walk, getting on an elevator or while you are browsing the shelves in the market. This is why these thoughts are so random and unexpected. Many people have discussed this experience with me and how fleeting these thoughts can be. I know that for me they are thoughts that go in and out and I rarely can remember them an hour later. This is not due to memory issues, it’s those moments where your brain is in a certain state where creative thoughts flow. It’s late at night and you just can’t fall asleep or you wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself staring at the ceiling. Ugh, I know how frustrating this can be, but for a moment think about what happens while staring at the ceiling. Many have said it’s the moments late at night where they have creative and unrestricted thoughts. Unfortunately, many of the thoughts get erased once you fall asleep.
How can we capture these creative moments and not let them fall into the cracks of daily life. The answer is quit simple, memorialize these random thoughts. Grab your smartphone and go to notes. Give the notes a title and this is where the random thoughts get documented. I literally can be walking through my favorite boutique and I will have a random creative thought. Yes, I pull out my smartphone in that moment and document my thoughts. I also would love to promote physical writing of your thoughts. It’s as easy as going on Amazon or heading over to your local Marshall’s to buy a journal or notebook. I found an amazing find today at my visit to Marshall’s. A journal created by the Canadian designer Thomasina Camika creator of Thomas and Cocoa. Her products express themes of self-love and self-confidence. Let me share the cover of this journal with you.
Thomasina Camika creator
she is extraordinary she is important
she is creative she is magical
she is intelligent she is authentic
she is phenomenal she is amazing
she is confident
she is kind
-I am she.
She is me.
As I stood there with the journal in my hand another customer said to me, that is great. She said, “I am going to buy two one for a gift and one for me.” This is where the creative journey begins for many, by just buying a special journal, like this one. The cover message just oozes creativity, motivation and the desire to write. My challenge to you this week is to head out to your local store and purchase “YOUR JOURNAL.” This is your starting point to tell your story and the meaning of your life.What is the story you want to share, a fictitious romance or maybe an actual romance that you had long ago. The emotional journey you took through a rough childhood, being bullied, social anxiety, gap year of college, traveling, cooking, emotional journeys, a children’s book, travel book, Maybe you want to share your story on how you became your own superhero. I am currently reading Mike Sorrentino’s book Reality Check, Making the best of the Situation. This book is about how he overcame addiction, loss and prison. I am sure that this author and reality television star has more then one book in him. Mike Sorrentino bravely opens himself up to the world and in the process, I believe will help others through addiction and other hard times. I know he is famous so many want to hear his story but everyone has a story and if yours touches just one person then goal accomplished. I always say this when I publish a new episode of my Podcast. It is worth all the effort if I touch just one person.
I want you to dig deep and want to tell your story, whether for publication or just for your own expression of your inner-self. Think about when you are in a library or bookstore, touching the books, looking at the covers and titles that jump out at you. The need to connect with the genre and take a ride with the author. Let other’s take a ride with you and the stories you have to tell. The older I get makes me realize how many books we all have within ourselves. Maybe you are an novice at something, a professor, lawyer, doctor, therapist, architect, teacher etc., there is a book in all of you based on life experiences and knowledge.
It is intimidating thinking that you could be a published author and maybe you even have Imposter Syndrome. Maybe, you say to yourself,”who would want to read what I have to say,” “I am not qualified,” “I can’t write,”Why would anyone want to hear my story?” To say to yourself ‘I CAN’T” is your worst inner voice. This voice is trying to tell you not to take the risk. Time to kick that Inner Voice in the the proverbial ass. Mike Sorrentino, 10 years ago probably didn’t think he had a book in him either but look at him now. People want to hear stories that they can relate to, learn from and grow from. The connection the author has with their readers is all empowering.
Here is the big question you should have for yourself, “Do I have a book in me?” The answer is YES, nobody should be saying no to this question. The book you write may take some time and maybe years but you will complete this goal if you truly want it. Writing your book, being open and honest with yourself is the key. Don’t write thinking, “I hope I make the best sellers list.” I believe this will hinder your creativity and choice of free flowing communication and words. The best and most successful writing comes from uninhibited expression and the free flow of thoughts.
Do You Have a Book in You? I know you do! I know you can, I know there is a published author just waiting to come out in all of us. Make that time now, go buy a journal, write notes and maybe even come up with a title of your book. Judy Blume wasn’t a person who knew her work would make her famous. She had a story to tell and she definitely had an impact on my teen years. I can only imagine that when she wrote, “Are you there God, it’s me, Margaret.” she had no idea that she would impact my life and many other young teenage girls. There is even a current movie based on her book. Judy Blume had a book in her and in turn touched many lives. Jen Sincero’s book “Your are a Badass” has motivated many individuals to take control of their lives. Jen had a book in her. YOU have a Book in YOU!
GET WRITING FUTURE PUBLISHED AUTHORS! The world is waiting to hear your voice.