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In your daily life do you ever have a great epiphany or interesting idea that  floods your mind when you are driving, taking a walk, sitting in traffic, just before you fall asleep or wakeup in the morning? Maybe, even when you start to look off into space while sitting at your desk when working?  I truly can’t imagine any of you can say no to this question.  Sometimes these thoughts may not always be the most positive or healthy either.

Professionals will label this a “Stream of Consciousness.”  Random thoughts, ideas or even problem solving in a flow of words, visuals and even creativity.  Picture this, driving to a destination and having all of these great ideas or even profound thoughts. Maybe, you say to yourself, “This is such a great idea, I really need to remember this.” Arriving at your destination, you get busy and those innovative, helpful or even maybe some self-help ideas have slowly disappeared into the busyness of your daily life.  It might just be a simple list of things that you want to accomplish in the next week. Time passes and now those ingenious thoughts have faded into the background of life.

This was a pattern that I experienced in my own daily life prior to the Pandemic.  I would find myself later in the day trying to retrieve the brilliant thoughts I had while driving my car and now that Stream of Consciousness was gone.  It has disappeared into the abyss of my busy daily life and busy lifestyle.  So many ideas for a title of a book, how to handle difficulties I might be having with my kids, wanting to start a blog, podcast or beautiful insightful thoughts.  This is normal and doesn’t mean you are having memory issues.  Our brains and bodies are always multi-tasking and those brief fleeting thoughts just get lost in the all of the tasks that the day entails.

Let’s try something new and call this process that we go through and label it, “Dramatic Monologue.” A monologue in theatre is when a single person performs a “Stream of Consciousness.” It happens in television shows, productions and movies.  The same way we do this in our own minds when we have these amazing Streams of Thought.  You are literally having a Monologue going on in your head with your own voice internally. The Dramatic Monologue that you hold onto and then it slowly fades into the background.

The Pandemic hit and this all changed for me personally,  In those moments that we all had where we were stuck in our homes trying to avoid getting sick with Covid. I began to take this Dramatic Monologue that would happen on a daily basis to another level.  I now had the time to stop and log all of my random feelings, thoughts and ideas on to my smart phone.  Honestly, at first I think it was my own personal way of just coping with the insanity that was going on in the entire world.  Yes, Dramatic Monologues can be utilized as coping skills,  It became truly more then that for me.  This is where the ideas for my Podcast originated, this Blog and many personal changes that I wanted to make in my life.

I have since looked back on all of my Personal Journaling my Dramatic Monologue and there is a lot of genius, confusion, soul searching and insight that went on.  This form of Journaling can be very powerful especially in documenting your own Personal Growth. Statistics have proven that if you exercise a task for more then 30 days it becomes a part of your daily lives. Exactly,  this is why it is engraved into my daily habits.

Let’s try this in your daily life.  In the times where you have this Dramatic Monologue going on as soon as you can, pull out your smart phone and jot down those thoughts. Not in sentences but just as it streamed in your mind.  Maybe it’s just words or pictures or phrases, that are random.  My personal habit is when I am driving and these thoughts occur as soon as I get to my destination, I write them down quickly.  A stranger reading your Dramatic Monologue might not understand it but you do and that is whats important.  This gives you the opportunity to not let these thoughts fade into the background.  In your Leisure Time or Down Time you can go back to your phone and read this Beautiful Monologue that you had with yourself. Analyze it, use it or maybe it’s a start of an adventure that you have always dreamed of accomplishing.  It may be as simple as Problem Solving something difficult that has been going on in your life. This habit of documenting your Dramatic Monologue may be the start to something brilliant and new.

Hopefully, you will make this a normal part of your daily routines.  I have since gone back and have read a lot of my Dramatic Monologue that happened during those difficult times locked in our homes.  Reading my words some were a little weird and I am sure that comes from the uncertainty we all felt in our lives.  On the flip side there is some amazing content there and insightful ways that I have grown and improved my own self-worth and what my abilities truly are.

Dramatic Monologue is a constant in my life and with that I document all of it.  I take the time out to write my thoughts and ideas down.  Ultimately, this process is a sign of growth, insight and creativity.  So what do you think?  Will you start to make the effort to document your Stream of Consciousness or Dramatic Monologue? Give it a go and I guarantee you will be shocked about the beautiful thought processes that can happen in those fleeting moments when we are working, driving a car, staring into space, cooking, cleaning or just having a quiet moment. Self-Growth takes effort and time that we should all put into ourselves.  Take the challenge and put the time into yourself by documenting your personal Dramatic Monologue.  Who knows, all that Dramatic Monologue might even lead to a blog and a podcast that has over 100 episodes, “Wink Wink.”  The power comes from within, now go and start your own journey of writing down your Dramatic Monologue.





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