Dr. Kwan Stewart a Veterinarian, was the CNN Hero of the Year. Dr. Kwan won a $100,000 for being voted as CNN’s Hero of the Year. Dr. Kwan lives in San Diego, California. He spends his time outside of work aiding the homeless population rendering medical care to their pets. In the nature of giving Dr. Kwan made the statement that he was going to split his winnings with the other nine finalists. This meant they all will receive $10,000 for their humanitarian services. The crowd let out a gasp and then a huge applause for the Doctor. Dr. Kwan stated,”An act of kindness can change someone’s day or life.”
Scientist have done many studies on how Giving of Yourself impacts the brain. The research has proven that when actively participating in the Giving of Yourself, there is a release of Endorphins, Serotonin, Dopamine and Oxytocin. These are the hormones and chemicals that are released in your brain to create, happiness, the feelings of being high and lifting your mood. The human body is so magical that the brain can create a reaction of hormones to create a natural high for individuals. Unfortunately, many individuals do not know how to tap into this mechanism in their brains and find themselves more unhappy then happy. It all goes back to what Dr. Kwan said, by giving kindness you can change someone’s life.
Let’s reframe this for a moment and make the statement, “By giving of yourself, you create a feeling of happiness inside of you and a sense of goodness.” As I sit in a local coffee shop, I am distracted by others working as well. Their open phone conversations are distracting and are emphasizing to me the importance of activating an individuals Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin and Endorphin levels to manipulate your mind and mood. I actually wish I could go up to this individual to say something that would make her smile. Instead, I will continue to be distracted by her and try to send Positive Energy her way. The Holiday Seasons can be extremely stressful and high tense and requires a lot of giving of ourselves.
Gift giving can be beautiful, rewarding and kind. Volunteering of yourself and time can be a greater sense of giving and reward. I have touched on this topic before; however, I feel that we all need to be reminded of how we can help others and how it impacts ourselves. It’s great that when you make a purchase in a store and they ask would you like to round up to the nearest dollar to donate to a charity. This is a great way of giving but it simply is a push of a button, Yes or No. I am asking you to extend yourself and your time physically to others in need.
Here are some Ideas that I can share with you to get those positive chemicals flowing in your brain.
1. Volunteer at your local Rescue or Humane Society
2. Collect food and clothing for others in need
3. Stop and talk to someone who seems in need(sometimes just acknowledging them is a gift.)
3. Joining a support group where you can help others and they can help you
4. Mentor a teenager and share your knowledge of life and work
5. Volunteer your time to a cause that is important to you
6. Spend time with a foster child
7. Join Big Brothers and Big Sisters
8. Collect gifts for homeless children
9. Donate toiletries to a shelter
10. Share your professional expertise with young people who are trying to figure out their life’s work
11. Tutor a student for free
12. Donate the clothes that just sit in your closet never being worn to an organization that helps young low income and homeless adults acquire a job.
13. Volunteer your time to clean up the beach
14. Volunteer in a food bank. I encourage you to have conversations with the individuals that you are supplying food to. Acknowledging that they are worthy of conversation is one of the biggest gifts you can give them.
15. How wonderful would it be to volunteer your time in a Senior Living Facility. I did this for many years and as much as you give to them, they give bake to you in return. They are so full of knowledge and experience.
I could continue with this list but what fun would that be, I want you to dig deep and identify ways that you can give of yourself to others.
Holidays bring about a lot of Seasonal Depression, this is imperative that you participate in areas of your life that will release these hormones and chemicals that I like to call, “The Happy Hormones”. Take some time to chose the right way and place to give of you. This will ensure that you are activating the “Happy Hormones”.
This self-care routine should not only occur during the Holiday Season. I would hope that you would begin to make the act of giving a routine in your life. We are given this ability to improve and elevate our moods inside of us. I acknowledge that at times this may not be easy and you might require assistance from a Professional or medications. By finding ways to give, you will release the hormones and along with medications and help you can create an even balance of emotions and moods in your life. You see you have more control then you think.
Most things take effort and time in life, this refers to your Mental Health as well. Acknowledge, that giving of yourself and time is one way to elevate your mood and make a positive impact on others as well.
Go release your “Happy Hormones” and I guarantee with some time you will begin to see how you can manipulate your moods and emotions with a little work on your part. I mean how fun would it be to go and give some love to a puppy or kitty in a rescue facility. I bet that the love you give them will be returned, you might just find a smile on your face and your “Happy Hormones” being released.