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The word Karma comes from the Indian Sanskrit over 3,500 years ago.  This word can be found throughout their texts. Karma is referred to as Cause and Effect or Do Onto Others as They Would Do Onto You. In today’s modern world we refer to Karma as: what you put out to others is what you will get in return.  You may have heard the term Karma is a Bitch.  I like to think of Karma as a tool to use as a Coping Mechanism.

We all have been in situations where we are so angry that we want to react spontaneously. Or there are people that we know that have been given a tough life.  You feel good Karma should be coming their way. I am a firm believer that the energy you put out is the energy you will get back in return.

I personally use the word Karma and the concept of Karma in my life.  I think about my actions towards others and would I want someone to treat me that way in return.  This guides me in the difficult situations in my life.  This even means giving others grace when they have hurt me or done something wrong to me.

I recently was in an awkward situation with an acquaintance. I had known this person for years.  I also had been very kind and giving in a difficult situation that they were in.  I offered my assistance to help them navigate their difficult dilemma.  Unfortunately, this person crossed a boundary with me that broke my trust with them.  I was shocked, hurt, angry and down right pissed off.  We had a conversation about it and each of us voiced our opinions.  We did not have correspondence for three months over the summer.  I knew I would be in a situation that I would be seeing them.  I consciously made the decision that if I saw them I would say hello to them.  Even though I never truly received an apology or a courtesy apology.  So the day comes where I know I will see this person.  I am a little nervous but we have to move through life and not avoid hard times.  So the moment comes and this person is walking right by me and we were face to face.  I said their name, hello and waved.  Unfortunately, I received a look of disdain and they walked right by me.  My first reaction was, I wanted to tell them off.  The little voice inside my head said “don’t and keep walking.”  I listened to my inner voice and said to myself Karma.  If I show someone that I can be the bigger person even though they can’t, maybe it will teach them a lesson in life.  Maybe, when the situation could be reversed on them they will remember how I treated them and they will treat others with the same respect. On the other hand by saying Karma it gives me the comfort to know I did the right thing and good will come back to me.

Confrontation and disagreements can be a hard challenge in life.  It really comes down to how we handle situations and our impulse control.  I use the word Karma as a Thought Stopper to control my impulses in uncomfortable situations.

Take a listen to Episode 84 of Wide Open Spaces with Ilise and let us identify your Thought Stoppers and words that you can utilize to control your responses to others negative behavior.






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