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Sitting in my backyard this past week, feeling the sun on my face and my earbuds in, I heard a great song that made me think.  The song was “Living My Best Life” by Ben Rector.  Now his lyrics aren’t necessarily what I am going through; however, Ben talks about how his life was consumed by his career, tours, concerts and never being home.  His epiphany comes as he begins to slow down and realizes that family and being home is more important to him.  He sings in the chorus “Living My Best Life.” His lyrics go through a process in life that many never experience.  Evolving into the person that truly makes him happy. Acknowledging his priorities and putting them into action.  So of course I had to ask myself the question, “Am I Living My Best Life.”

Are You Living Your Best Life?  Truly not an easy or uncomplicated question to ask yourself.  You might even find yourself scratching your head saying to yourself, “I don’t know If I am'”  I know I had to contemplate for some time if I was.  Self-growth and Development are not easy concepts to ask ourselves.  I want you to sit with yourself in a quiet and peaceful place for some time.  This might even require you to write down your life’s accomplishments, unfinished goals and areas you might have failed at.  Nobody likes to feel like that they failed at something. Individuals tend to stuff those feelings.  Working on Living Your Best Life will require work and dedication.

I hope you have identified an area that you can spend some time alone, evaluating yourself and life.  When you are in this space I want you to close your eyes.  Imagine you have one of those small bottles of bubbles in your hand.  Pull out the wand and take a deep breath. Blow into the wand and see all of the bubbles in front of you.  Imagine these bubbles hold all of your dreams, desires, occupational goals, family goals, relationship goals and self-improvement goals.  One by one pop the bubbles that hold the life goals that you have accomplished. Now look deeply at all of the bubbles that remain floating around just waiting to be popped by your finger. Take it all in and take a deep breath. Open your eyes and now document all the goals you accomplished and all that remain still floating in the air.  Ah Ha, you now have identified areas in your life that are holding you back from Living Your Best Life.  In life sometimes we have to find unconventional ways to assist if our growth in life.  This bubble task is a great way to bring out the Inner Child in you and truly acknowledge areas that you need to work on in your life.

Here are some of the lyrics to Ben Rector’s song, “Living My Best Life.’

Sometimes it Sucks to tell the truth

And I took it hard like people do

But I’m learning how to eat the fruit that is in season

Never thought I’d be a grown ass man

But you know what they say of the best laid plans

These lyrics will refer to those bubbles of yours that are left just floating in the air.  This is the point that you look at your best laid plans that have not been accomplished or even touched.  Do you still have a yearning for these unfinished goals?  Do you start to look at these bubbles and realize that you no longer want these goals in your life.  We all have that Inner Child in us with dreams and wants that we wish we had in our lives.  As an adult we must look deep and acknowledge that you have evolved and no longer need to complete or work on these goals. Unfortunately, in this process you must be real with yourself.  There is a sense of realism when you identify certain dreams are no longer your dreams. I want you to be proud of yourself if you can complete this step. It is all part of you evolving in your current world and being realistic with yourself.

Here is another passage in Ben Rector’s song “Living My Best Life.”

I’m living my best life

The best that I can

No more worry or stress life

‘Cause I’m done with them

I’m as light as can be

I’m as fresh as a breeze

Right where I wanna be

Life is always a work in progress but it sure does feel great when you get to a place where you are accomplishing goals. Living the life you have always seen for yourself. Acknowledging healthy and unhealthy habits that you have in your life. Making changes is not easy but having insight into yourself about changes you need to make, is the first step and it’s a big step. If you have a goal in sight you may stumble from time to time but you will never fall down when you have a plan in place.  Always keep in mind that there may be challenges.  These challenges may change your path a little but always keeping your goal in sight.  Adapting your perspectives to change will be one of your best coping skills that you can acquire. Being able to pivot your approach to get your goals attained will be an asset for you.  Always be realistic and set attainable goals.  Break these goals up into stages if you need to.  This may make the process less overwhelming.  The ultimate idea is to attain your dreams and needs in life.  Life is an unknown Journey,  you are the one who gets to guide this journey even when there are mountains in your way.  Stay strong and true to yourself. In the end you will be able to pop all of the bubbles that were floating with your dreams, desires and lifestyle that you have always wanted to have.  Go and blow some bubbles and tap into your inner-self, it will be liberating!





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