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It isn’t lost on me that I am about to write about how to convince you to take a vacation. I could sit here and shake my head and say, “Well isn’t it obvious that everyone should take a vacation?” The reality of today’s work force especially in the United States is that we are overworked, burnt out and over stressed.  The emphasis that is placed on mental health is low on the work totem pole.  I get it you are being paid to work and be productive.  The misunderstanding is that it’s crucial for Work and Play to go hand and hand.  A happy and healthy employee is a productive employee.  There are many companies in todays workforce that recognize the importance of their staff taking Mental Healthcations.

I have chosen to coin the phrase Mental Healthcation because it is beyond imperative that each individual take a break from their work to maintain mental health care.  A Mental Healthcation takes more thought and planning than just taking a quick break at work.  Basically, you are combining mental health and you vacationing as a top priority to maintaining your stability in your life.  I will acknowledge that there are many corporations that increase positive energy by encouraging their staff to take vacations. Uber, Ikea, UKG and many more companies acknowledge the importance of “A Happy Employee creates more productivity and efficiency.”

There is a little kink in that theory since the Pandemic.  What happens to the employee who now works form home?  Do their employers still place an importance on PTO since they don’t come into the office?  I acknowledge there are many perks to working from home.  You save on gas, work clothes and travel expenses etc.  Working from home as much as there are new perks your sanctuary after a hard work day is no longer there.  Home and work have now become synonymous with each other.  Working from home has made it more imperative to take a Mental Healthcation.

I recently interviewed a long time employee of UKG and I asked about how the companies policy about vacation time makes them feel.  I first must mention that they have unlimited vacation time.  The employee told me that knowing their company acknowledges that vacation time is important, makes them feel that UKG values them and the work that they complete.  The company looks at them as a whole person and their personal needs.  This has become a growing trend in many companies and I am very impressed of the importance that is placed on Mental Health.

I think the first goal you should set when planning your Mental Healthcation is to set intentions.  Spend some time with yourself, friends, significant others and your family and talk about what type of getaway would be the best for all.  This is not the time to neglect focusing on your finances for your trip.  Planning a trip that will set you behind financially is not a healthy way to improve your mental health.  I acknowledge that times might be tough for some of my readers and you must consider your finances first.  I hope you are not rolling your eyes at this point because a Mental Healthcation can be taken on any budget.

In my podcast this week I will discuss how to plan a Mental Healthcation on any budget and how to avoid the pitfalls of saying there is nothing I can afford.  Mental Healthcations can be a limited amount of days or two weeks long and still have the benefits emotionally and physically that our bodies and lives require. It’s time to think out of the box and to plan your next Mental Healthcation.  There is an added perk, it is always so fun to explore and research trips to take and destinations to visit.  This task alone is a way to improve your Leisure Lifestyle and fortifying your mental health.






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