October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s the month of the Pink Ribbon and Breast Cancer Charities. On a larger scale it is the month that represents those who have lost their lives, are currently being treated or are a Survivor of Breast Cancer. Let me just scream it out loud so I can get it off my chest, “CANCER SUCKS!”
I guess I feel a little better letting out some of my rage but I still feel sad and defeated. I wish that people could just live their lives away from disease and tragedy! Unfortunately, as we all know, this is impossible. I have had at least 20 people that I know who have had breast cancer. I have one of my best friends fighting like hell right now just to survive. In about 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer in their lifetime. That is kind of scary to digest. I will guarantee that you all will know at least one person in your lifetime that will have had Breast Cancer.
This blog is about how can you help? If you look for one of my previous blogs,”Volunteering and Your Mental Health” I talk about how volunteering can make you feel empowered and help others at the same time. In my blog and podcast.”Fight Like a Girl” I have various women share their personal experiences of their fight with Breast Cancer. I basically highlight this disease every October. This year it is so different for me. I have two close friends who are going through it. The family and friends of those who have this killer disease try to do as much as they can to help. Sometimes you might feel like no matter how much you try to help, it never feels like enough.
Let’s discuss how you can Empower Yourself to help and support others.
1. Do your research on Breast Cancer
I feel not only does it help you to understand all the different types of Breast Cancer but it also gives you insight into what your loved one might be going through. When they talk about their cancer you can feel knowledgable and understand all of the nuances that a Breast Cancer Diagnosis encompasses. My friend who is fighting this disease actually shares all of her results with her close friends and family. This gives her supporters an idea of what she is going through and by educating myself I understand the complexities of her Breast Cancer.
2. Offer your Support in tangible ways
It is easy to say, “I am here for you in whatever way you need me.” A great way to help is to offer to take them to their treatments. Go with them to help them pick out a wig that looks as close to their natural hair. Many who are suffering like to hibernate away from the world. Suggest you visiting or maybe just do a FaceTime with them so that they can feel your support. Many who are going through treatment have a hard time leaving home. They feel sick and don’t have the energy at times. A video call is such a helpful way to make them feel supported and to just let them see your face.
3. Go to Amazon and find cute gifts that you can send them so they feel enveloped in love
Gifts might give them a temporary smile but any smile is good in their fight. I love this pair of socks I saw on Amazon that read on the bottom of them,”Dear Cancer You Picked the Wrong Bitch.” All of these small suggestions will give your Breast Cancer Fighter strength and encouragement. It is so important to help them when they feel weak emotionally to add a little sparkle in their lives.
4. Remember everyone’s journey is specific to them
The saying, “You don’t know until you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes,” is something you must always think about before you offer your advice. We all like to give our own advice but this advice may be perceived as you trying to control them. What an individual needs who has Breast Cancer more then anything is to feel like they are in control. Support them and empower them but please don’t try to control them.
5. Just Be Yourself
The Warrior doesn’t want others to treat them differently then they did prior to their diagnosis. By you just being yourself, is the most comforting and supportive thing you can do for your loved ones. They want to feel normal as much as possible. They do not, I repeat They Do Not, want you treat them any differently. They need you to help them to feel like cancer does not consume their entire life. I also have to say this, please listen to them if they say they are not up for visitors following surgery or treatment. I suggest that you keep checking on them and ask them to tell you when they are ready for visitors. The last thing you want them to feel is guilty or obligated to you. Individuals cancer journey is just that, “It’s Individual.” If you keep this notion in the back of your head you will be such a great asset to your loved ones journey with Breast Cancer.
As for me I follow all of the above. Unfortunately, I have too much experience with loved ones having the Breast Cancer Diagnosis. The month of October I spend many hours volunteering for an organization called, Not My Daughter…Find a Cure Now. If you would like to know more information about Not My Daughter….Find a Cure Now go to notmydaughter.org
The color pink is such a calming and beautiful color. Wear all of your Pink you have to show your support. Go to Amazon and buy a hat or shirt or pink rubber bracelet to show your support. When you are wearing your Pink you never know what stranger you might be supporting with your attire. Check out my Instagram, FaceBook or TikTok where I share my journey of how Breast Cancer has impacted the ones I love.